Shield App

We tell you ahead of time.

Shield App uses AI to track millions of online sources so you know about the next disease outbreak, natural disaster, or other event, before it lands in your backyard.



Centralized Disaster Surveillance

Get immediate access to datasets from thousands of sources including CDC, WHO, and many more.

Risk Exposure and Prevention

Know your risk. Our data quantifies the probabilities of how likely will an event affect your locations. Access vital information on protective measures depending on each risk level.

Customized Notifications

Get real-time customized alerts when new or ongoing event, such as a pandemic or unrest, personalized to your location and other criteria.


Join like minded people in the Skudo community to exchange support during turbulent times including identifing local shops, deliveries and many more services.

App, kits or anything you need. We got your back. Join our growing community.
